We're so glad you've chosen to attend our online Sunday church service. We recommend starting with the first YouTube video for the adult Bible class message from Ed Hughlett Sr., and then clicking on down through the worship service and sermon by Pastor Ed Hughlett. Please note that there are Parts 1 and 2 for both the adult Bible class and sermon. Adult Bible Class--Ed Hughlett Sr.Ed Hughlett Sr. bring this week's message about life's power. We are currently going through the book of Philippians. Sunday Sermon--Pastor Ed Hughlett
We're so glad you've chosen to attend our online Sunday church service. We recommend starting with the first YouTube video for the adult Bible class message from Ed Hughlett Sr., and then clicking on down through the worship service and sermon by Doug Kutilek. Please note that there are Parts 1 and 2 for both the adult Bible class and sermon. Adult Bible Class--Ed Hughlett Sr.Ed Hughlett Sr. bring this week's message about life's power. We are currently going through the book of Philippians. PART 1 PART 2 Worship Service Sunday Sermon--Doug Kutilek This week, we are blessed to have Doug Kutilek, a reputed Bible scholar who has attended three colleges and four seminaries and graduate schools. Doug expounds on John 16:33 in the sermon "A World of Trouble," a fitting title and topic during this time. We think you will be blessed by this message. Thank you, Doug! PART 1 PART 2 Due to technical difficulties, we are unable to share this week's worship service and sermon, but we do have the first 30 minutes of Adult Bible Class below. We apologize, and hope to be able to share full services with you during the month of June. Ed Hughlett Sr. bring this week's message about life's power. We are currently going through the book of Philippians. We're so glad you've chosen to attend our online Sunday church service. We recommend starting with the first YouTube video for the adult Bible class message from Ed Hughlett Sr., and then clicking on down through the worship, special music from Barry Ward and the pre-sermon Memorial Day video. We plan to make Pastor Hughlett's live-recorded session available later in the day on Sunday. Adult Bible Class--Ed Hughlett Sr. Ed Hughlett Sr. bring this week's message about life's power. We are currently going through the book of Philippians. Worship Service--Larry, Kim & Joan Special--Barry Ward Pre-Sermon Video--Memorial Day Sunday Sermon--Pastor Ed Hughlett The essential difference between being “poor in spirit” and being “meek,” is that “poor in spirit” focuses on our sinfulness, whereas “meekness” focuses on God’s power, authority and holiness. And we surrender. As we sincerely mourn in sorrow over our sinfulness we are naturally broken and willing to submit to His Holiness; His direction; His leading because He alone is worthy to lead. You see, meekness is not weakness; it is surrender; it is the horse in its strength broken and made useful when it "submits to the hand." In our case, the hand of God. We again can see logical sequence and progression in the Beatitudes. Being poor in spirit causes us to turn away from ourselves in mourning, and meekness causes us to turn toward God in seeking His righteousness with a desire to do His will. We're so glad you've chosen to attend our online Sunday church service. We recommend starting with the first YouTube video for the adult Bible class message from Ed Hughlett Sr., and then clicking on down through the worship, special music from Barry Ward and the HCC trio, and the sermon from Pastor Ed Hughlett. Adult Bible Class--Ed Hughlett Sr.Ed Hughlett Sr. bring this week's message about life's power. We are currently going through the book of Philippians. Worship Service--Larry, Kim & Joan Specials--Barry Ward and HCC Trio Sunday Sermon--Pastor Ed Hughlett“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” (Matthew 5:4). Here we go from one seemingly paradoxical statement to the next. What could be more self-contradictory than the idea that the way to happiness is sadness; happy are the sad? The path to joy is in mourning? Today we learn that Spiritual poverty leads to godly sorrow and only those who are willing to understand and respond to their poverty in spirit can become those who who mourn over it. We're so glad you've chosen to attend our online Sunday church service. We recommend starting with the first YouTube video for the adult Bible class message from Ed Hughlett Sr., and then clicking on down through the worship, special music from Larry, pre-sermon video clips, and the sermon from Pastor Ed Hughlett. Adult Bible Class--Ed Hughlett Sr. Ed Hughlett Sr. bring this week's message about life's prize. We are currently going through the book of Philippians. Worship Service--Larry, Kim & Joan Special--Larry Pre-Sermon Videos Sunday Sermon--Pastor Ed HughlettIn this series of messages during the COVID-19 outbreak, I've tried to target a larger audience than just our church family and I've tried to speak to foundational topics from Scripture about the path to blessing and healing - humility, prayer, repentance and faith. Today we come full circle to the virtue of humility as we look at the paradoxical statements made by our Savior in Matthew chapter Five. Here we learn, only the poor will make it to Heaven! We're so glad you've chosen to attend our online Sunday church service. We recommend starting with the first YouTube video for the adult Bible class message from Ed Hughlett Sr., and then clicking on down through the worship, special music from Barry Ward, and the sermon from Pastor Ed Hughlett. Adult Bible Class--Ed Hughlett, Sr.Ed Hughlett Sr. bring this week's message about life's prize. We are currently going through the book of Philippians. Worship Service--Larry, Kim & Barry Specials--Barry Ward Barry Ward sings "Man I Used to Be" & "Too Much Trouble" at Harper Christian Church. Sunday Sermon--Pastor Ed HughlettThere are numerous ways to please God but every one of them is initiated through faith, "for without faith it is impossible to please God." As we read the Bible, we find that faith reverses the natural order of the physical. In the natural, we see and then we believe. In fact, we have a saying, SEEING IS BELIEVING. But by faith, we believe and then we see. We're so glad you've chosen to attend our online Sunday church service. We recommend starting with the first YouTube video for the adult Sunday School message from Ed Hughlett Sr., and then clicking on down through the worship, special music from Kim & Joan, and the sermon from Pastor Ed Hughlett. Adult Bible Class--Ed Hughlett, Sr. Ed Hughlett Sr. bring this week's message about life's prize. We are currently going through the book of Philippians. Worship Service--Larry, Kim & Joan Special--"How Beautiful"--Kim & Joan Sunday Sermon--Pastor Ed Hughlett This final message from 2 Chronicles 7 reveals the natural result of seeking God's face is turning away from that which dishonors God's presence in our lives. When we see a clearer picture of how glorious God is, it's then we get a glimpse of how ugly we are, creating a desire for change. We're so glad you've chosen to attend our online Sunday church service. We recommend starting with the first YouTube video for the adult Sunday School message from Ed Hughlett Sr., and then clicking on down through the worship, special music from the trio, and the sermon from Pastor Ed Hughlett. Adult Sunday School--Ed Hughlett, Sr.Ed Hughlett Sr. bring this week's message about life's prize. We are currently going through the book of Philippians. Worship Service--Larry & KimSpecial Music--One Achord Trio Sunday Sermon--Pastor Ed Hughlett Pastor Ed Hughlett continues in our study of the Four avenues of repentance listed in 2 Chronicles 7:14, a message titled "Seeking God's Face--Not Just His Hand." We're so glad you've chosen to attend our Easter Sunday online church service. We recommend starting with the first files--the PowerPoint and adult Sunday School message from Ed Hughlett Sr., and then clicking on down through the worship, special music from One Achord, and Pastor Hughlett's sermon file. Adult Sunday School--Ed Hughlett, Sr. ![]() Listen along to this week's message about life's purpose and pattern from the book of Philippians. The first file is the PowerPoint file with the graphics for this week's lesson; click to download this file first so that it's ready for you to follow along. Then click on the second file, which is the audio recording. ![]()
Worship Service--Larry & Kim Special Music--One Achord Sunday Sermon--Pastor Ed Hughlett Pastor Ed Hughlett shares an Easter message titled "The Savior & Lord of Easter." |